Good morning Jeep Nation. We are back. We hope you had a great weekend and are ready to start your week. Let’s get started.
Upcoming Events:
January 25th-Spelling Bee
January 29th-Scioto County Honors Band and Choir Auditions (Snow Date) @ SWHS
February 16th-Waiver Day/PT Conferences
February 17th-No School in Lieu of Conferences
February 20th-No School-Presidents’ Day
Sports for the Week:
January 23rd-HS* and JH Girls vs. Northwest, JH Boys @ Northwest (Youth Night for Girls)
January 24th-HS Boys @ Waverly
January 25th-No Sports
January 26th-HS and JH Girls @ Jackson, *JH Boys vs. Jackson
January 27th-HS Boys @ Minford
January 28th-*HS Boys vs. East (Youth Cheer Clinic)
*Denotes Game Streamed on our YouTube Channel
That’s all we have for now Jeep Nation. Have a great week and as always...GO JEEPS!