Good morning Jeep Nation. We are back and we hope that you had a great weekend and are ready to start your week.


Waiver Day and Parent/Teacher Conferences will be this Thursday. Conferences at the high school will start at 2:30 p.m. We will update if the elementary time is different. Conferences will end at 8 p.m. for both buildings. There will be no school for students that day. There will be no school in lieu of conferences on Friday of this week, (March 24th and 25th)


Tech Team 1 is bringing you the news. You can find their latest video here:

We had to film in a different location this week. We will hopefully be back to normal next week.

Don’t forget about Pre-K, Preschool and Kindergarten registration. You can find all of the info here: Screening Days will be April 21st and 22nd.


Upcoming Events:

March 24th-Waiver Day-P/T Conferences

March 25th-No School in Lieu of Conferences

April 2nd-ACT @ SWHS

April 15th-18th-No School-Easter Break

April 24th-HS Spring Concert

April 29th-Prom


Opening Day for Spring Sports:

March 26th-Baseball vs. Whiteoak (Doubleheader)-12:00 p.m.

March 26th-Softball @ Rock Hill-5 p.m.

March 28th-JH Track @ Jackson-4:30 p.m.

March 29th-HS Track @ Jackson-5 p.m.


That’s all we have for now Jeep Nation. Have a great week and as always...GO JEEPS!