Bloom-Vernon Local
ESSER Relief Program

Plan for Return and Continuity of Services

Jeeps mascot

The ESSER and GEER Funds are to be used to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact on the social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs of students.  THe use of funds must fall under one of the authorized uses for the ESSER and GEER funds.  

Bloom-Vernon Local has made upgrades to the heating and cooling systems that allows for quick adjustments in the amount of outside air pulled into the buildings.  The district is looking into ways to further exceed the acceptable levels of air quality by adding air purifying units into the buildings.  The school district will continue to space students out and look into adding additional buildings and space to create safer student activities in preventing and preparing for future pandemics.

Bloom-Vernon Local understands the responsibility in providing the appropriate continuity of educational services to students during and after the pandemic.  The district has hired two additional teaching positions, one in each building, for the 2021-2022 school year to assist in addressing the educational gaps and deficiencies many students now face as a result of the pandemic.  The district is also offering summer school opportunities to students in all grades K-12 over the next three years if needed.  This includes credit recovery for high school students that are at-risk of not graduating on time because of the school shutdown and limited return to school.

Bloom-Vernon Local staff will also participate in summer academy activities over the next three summers to identify educational gaps across curriculums and individual student gaps that exist.  This includes a focus on economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities.  These professional development opportunities will be used to identify learning standards that were not covered over the past year and communicate the information to the educators at the next grade level.  There will be needed interventions throughout the school year for many students and also during the next few summers to close some of these apparent gaps.