Youth in Government Recap

Ethan Bloomfield, Participant in Youth in Government 2019:

Several students went to Columbus on Thursday to participate in this year’s YMCA Youth In Government conference. Participants were put into committees where they voted on bills to present on the House and Senate floors to over a hundred students. Two bills from South Webster passed and were signed by the youth governor, Ethan Bloomfield and Anthony Salzbrun’s bill to require NICUs in Ohio hospitals, and Sofia Mikhaylichenko and Haley Williams’ bill to install a new position in CPS to help reunified families. The press was hard at work keeping everything documented, and the judiciary argued cases in front of a panel of judges. Lobbyists were also present, arguing for or against bills on the docket. The students also got a taste of Columbus, keeping busy at local restaurants and the YMCA. The students experienced government in a hands-on way, reaching compromises and making lasting friendships. All in all, it was not only an academic trip, but an experience to remember.